What will a country look like without a government?
Somewhere we all have a love and hate relationship with the government of our country. Then we chose them or not.
Government not only runs our country but also provides us with new opportunities. And when we focus on running our house and family, they focus on the country’s development.
No matter how much we condemn our country’s government now and then, we still have hope and believe in them. They can still run our country without threatening our privacy and security.
Whenever a crisis arises, we work as one, no matter how much we condemn our country’s authority. Somewhere we still believe and trust that everything will work out no case how badly it is performing according to us.
But what will happen if the country has no government body? There will be no authority over citizens, no elections, no rules, no laws? Citizens didn’t bind with any government or policy; there would be no governing rule in the country? And everyone is free to move to any state, buy any property, and settle wherever they want?
No matter how exciting it sounds, it still has its drawbacks and positive sides. Let’s figure out all those possibilities we will face when a country doesn’t have any governing body. What will be the pros and cons? And whether it will be fruitful for a government and its citizens or solely a poor idea where the country cannot survive. Let’s find out all the possibilities of no government rule country and if there is any country in the present where there is already no government exist?
A. No Government Country

A country without a government is known as Anarchy. However, there is no exact word for it as Anarchy can also be described where a nation or place has no central rule, a government system. The term was first proposed in 1539, translating to a sense of government. Many people also advocated for this society and favored Anarchy rule. It will also be a stateless society where free and voluntary associations run the country instead of a government. Anarchy also opposes the Hierarchy system.
However, the term is only fictitious and cannot exist practically. But in today’s era, it can be defined as abolishing the traditional form of government and institutions of governance. Or a place where there is no central government of government.
In history, there were times when individuals advocated an anarchy system and sought to run voluntary organizations to run the country. The main rule of these institutions is to promote independence, a particular community, and independence.
Anarchy can be a negative term for chaos, but its advocate considers its proper order.
Another country, Somalia, went into civil war from 1991 to 2006, which led to the fall of the state, and the conflict erupted across the country. All the laws and rules of the country have collapsed.
B. Lists of Countries without Government
Several countries in history do not have a proper central rule in their land. Some of them are discussed below.
Republic of Cospaia
The Republic of Cospaia was located in Italy from 1440 to 1826. It gained independence in 1440 after a prolonged conflict with the Council of Basel. It was a small kingdom which has now become a village.
The state has no formal government and no official law and legal system. And when there is no law, no jail, no police or army force. It was handled by the head of the community or the family, who takes all the critical decisions. His lawyer chief is called the President, the most crucial person in the country. All the meetings are held in the church. The community head also doesn’t charge any official tax from the public. The citizens enjoy absolute freedom and economic privileges.
But the Republic of Cospaia came to an end in June 1826. And after 1826, the Republic of Cospaia split into two states, known today as Tuscany and the Papal State.
Ras Khamis
Located in East Jerusalem and dived from the barrier, the state does not have the authority to rule its region. Its city is divided by the rest of the neighborhood.
Neutral Moresnet
Neutral Moresnet was located in Western Europe in Belgium. It existed from 1816 to 1920. During First World War, it came under Germany, but in 1918, it got separated from it.
There is no central rule on the land. It was governed by neighborhood commissioners who were Belgian veterans. Its municipal administration is run by the mayor and appointed by the commissioner.
Since Neutral Moresnet does not have its law and court, all decisions were governed by Napoleonic laws. Belgian and Prussian judges made all the decisions based on this law, and the mayor of the state did not have any say in it.
Neutral Moresnet does not have its currency and uses Russian currency, the French Franc.
Kowloon Walled City
Kowloon Walled City is located near British Hong Kong. Its population increased during World War II. After being abandoned by the Chinese and British governments, Kowloon became the hub of crime and drugs. Several gang members ruled the region, and without being any governing law, no justice given to many victims. And highest rate of crime, gambling, and prostitution has been recorded here.
In 1950, the police became active here and captured many drugs lord with the support of local people. And in 1983, the Kowloon commissioner said the area crime rate was under control.
Later the city went into construction, and new developers started developing modular structures. The city once again became densely populated with over 30,000 people and over 300 buildings.
An island located in the South Pacific Ocean has a self-governing rule. Spread over 261 sq km, Niue is known for its coral island. It is located northeast of New Zealand.
Niue does not have any government body and is a free association that the New Zealand government does not govern.
C. Advantages of Non-Government Country

There can be several pros to having a non-government body in the country. Its already discuss in the past what a non-government country would look like. And whether it would be a successful state or not?
Let’s look at such pros of a country where there would be no government.
1. Freedom
We still have freedom under a central rule, but with no governance, the level of freedom will rise. As there would be no rules and regulations, each individual can govern themselves freely. Only the head of the family can make their decision without worrying about changing government policy.
And every citizen can behave in their way. We don’t need to worry about following the rules and laws of the country. And we can take any step in buying properties and lending money, choosing a job we want.
2. No Tax Pay
Another pro of having a non-governance body is that we don’t need to pay taxes. We have to give a heavy amount of our income to different taxes implied by the government. But as there will be no government, we also don’t have to worry about giving taxes on anything. No tax will also be imposed on the export items. And we can buy any product from another country without worrying about tax.
3. Power in the Hands of the Public
The general public will have more power and can make more suitable decisions. There would be no elections. Thus, the public doesn’t need to worry about suitable candidates and their misuse of power. Instead, they can choose their style of governance, which will be more profitable for them.
4. Less gap between Rich and Poor
Several countries face the issue of the wide gap between rich and poor. While only a tiny number of people are benefited through policies today. In no central rule state, it will eliminate the gap between rich and poor. There would be no regulations in a rule state, and the general public will have the opportunity to make their life as they wanted.
D. Disadvantages of Non-Government Country
Some disadvantages of a non-government country are:
1. Security Issue
Since there will be no law, the issue of security will arise. All crime rates will become high, which will create an imbalance among the people. And the victims could not go anywhere for justice.
2. Lack of Public Infrastructure
In a country with no central regulation, not having proper infrastructure will be high. People will depend on Swasth to provide public infrastructure. Due to this, some of them cannot afford the reasonable fees to use the country’s infrastructure.
3. Insufficient Investments
There will be no representative representing the country in a country with no rules. And thus, the government may face a lack of investment from other countries. There will be no proper relations with other countries. Due to this, it will stop many opportunities, growth, and economic development.
Concludingly, we can say no matter how much a country’s government performs well or not, still, we cannot deny the fact that it cannot entirely remove it. We need a government body in the country to be governed well. A proper legal system gives us a sense of security, and if it were stolen from us, we would be nothing but a torn apart state.
Hence, government rule in a country, especially in a significant population, is needed. Or else no citizen would live well without facing any problems.
Last Updated on August 18, 2023 by ayeshayusuf