We’ve all heard about the Big Bang Theory, which explains how the universe came into existence. The Big Bang Theory is something we know as the beginning of the universe. Over the past 100 years, the prevailing belief has been that the universe resulted from a single singularity during the big bang.
Due to a fundamental scientific error that few have challenged, this speculative event has become an entrenched belief. Most of us take it as an undeniable piece of history. But the truth may be slightly different from what we know.
The big bang theory is a desperate attempt to explain how the universe started from nothing. 20th-century scientists and astronomers designed this theory, and since then, there have been many other theories backed up with facts which shake up the foundation of The Big Bang Theory.
Thinking about black holes, invisible dark matter, and the idea that the universe was created in a millisecond is beyond comprehension. It is now full of gaps and unanswered questions. So, what is the truth behind the Big Bang Theory? How is it contradictory to itself? Let’s find out!
The Big Bang Theory: Overview
Georges Lemaître’s 1931 article is where the concept originally surfaced. The big bang hypothesis claims that the cosmos has no centre. There is no central location, and every point in the cosmos is identical to every other.
The cosmos, according to the hypothesis, was extraordinarily hot and dense. The cosmos had so much energy in those early seconds that matter as we know it could not have formed. However, the cosmos swiftly expanded, causing it to lose density and cool down. The matter started to form as it grew, and radiation started to lose energy. It took just a few seconds for the cosmos to emerge from a singularity which extended across space.
Scientists use the big bang theory to explain how the universe developed from a very dense, tiny state. No explanation is offered for why the universe was created, why it got started, or what happened before the big bang.
How Does The Big Bang Theory Contradict Itself?
It seems like the Big Bang Theory is likely, in the beginning. It says that around 14 billion years ago, the universe existed as a space singularity. Simply put, it was a teeny tiny object composed of small particles similar to an atom with an immensely high density. The singularity was so hot that it exploded and triggered the Big Bang at some point. It grew into the size of a solar system at the speed light travels in space.
According to some detractors, the creation of stars and galaxies defies the rule of entropy, which states that systems of change grow less ordered with time. The present cosmos, however, appears to obey the rule of entropy if you consider the early universe entirely homogenous and isotropic.
Modern scientific studies partly confirm this version of events. Observations show that other galaxies move away from us, and the distances between them also become longer. It means that they used to be located much closer to each other. It turns out that the cosmos is expanding, and according to astronomers, this process will end sooner or later. The world will soon start contracting back into that little tiny object it was at the very beginning.
Another contradiction in terms is introduced by the big bang theory, which wrongly supposes that time began at some point in the past. Many believers in the big bang contend that the universe as a whole, not just one particular place in space, burst during the big bang.
It raises a lot of questions which are still unanswered. The theory does not mention what led to the Big Bang in singularity. Could it be that scientists forgot to tell us about that? No, they don’t know what to tell us! Everyone harbours the dream that when the world’s brightest minds have finally solved it, they will discover the solution in the theory of Quantum Graphity.
Nothing appears to have travelled faster than the speed of light during the early inflationary phase of the great bang. Different supporters offer various replies to this criticism. One is that the theory of relativity did not hold at the time of the big bang. Therefore, going faster than the speed of light was not a problem.
On the other hand, the theory claims that starting from the moment the Big Bang occurred, the universe’s expansion has been accelerating. There is almost no difference in temperature between the most distant regions of the cosmos on opposite sides of the sky. But what is the reason for that? Again, no answer.
Equipment designed for astronomical research becomes more advanced and lets us detect more distant objects. There is a need to clean their glasses and their telescope lenses better. This way, they will see that there’s no reason to believe that the expansion process will ever stop! The macrocosm is much bigger than our eyes can see.
The most formidable opponent of The Big Bang Theory is the hypothesis saying that the world appeared out of nothing. It not only denies the singularity that preceded the Big Bang but also denied the possibility that the cosmos will eventually contract back into its original state.
Scientist Ahmed Farag Ali reckons the universe has neither a beginning nor an end. Its size and lifetimes are infinite. It outright goes against the first rule of thermodynamics, which states that no matter nor energy can be created nor destroyed. Other alternative theories, too, propose that there was only one bang.
Lithium, Helium and Dark Matter

According to the Big Bang hypothesis, the explosion that is thought to have created the universe had to generate specific amounts of light elements, such as lithium, helium, and deuterium. In the case of lithium, 400 lithium atoms are anticipated for every trillion hydrogen atoms.
The Big Bang predictions, however, have not been confirmed by astronomers who have studied the lithium abundances in ancient stars in our galaxy. Because they contain extremely minute amounts of iron and other heavy elements created by earlier stars, they may be certain that the stars originated very early in the history of our galaxy.
Most of these stars had lithium abundances far lower than Big Bang estimates, at just 160 lithium atoms per trillion atoms. Again, researchers have reported in the last few years that the older the stars are, the less lithium they have.
According to the Big Bang hypothesis, dark matter, which has not been discovered on Earth, makes up most of the universe. Increasingly sophisticated studies on Earth have been unable to find proof of the dark matter particles that the Big Bang theory strongly predicts. However, astronomical data has also disproven the existence of dark matter. The universe’s relatively slow-moving galaxies provide the clearest proof.
The vast quantities of dark matter that the Big Bang projected would produce gravitational forces that spin galaxies at hundreds of kilometres per second. The Big Bang Theory requires a significant quantity of dark matter, but the average velocities of 50 km/sec that have been seen have ruled that out.
How Many “Big Bangs” Actually Happened?
The cyclic model of the universe, proposed by American physicist Paul Frampton, assumes that there were a series of big bangs. What’s more? They keep occurring all the time. According to one of the versions suggested by this theory, dark matter triggers the universe’s expansion until it splits into separate fragments.
Each of them becomes a new contracting Universe that releases energy which in turn causes another big bang. As the original theory states, this cycle endlessly repeats, which rules out a beginning or end of life.
Besides, the cyclic model of the universe gives us our idea of dimensions. And to think there are three of them like on the regular coordinates system – length, breadth and height; plus a nice bonus – the notion of time. However, the physical world of the cyclic model of the universe includes 10 spatial and one dimension for time – 11 in total.
Under the concept of dimensions, here mean spaces similar to our cosmos. They are whole “branes” short form for membrane. There is also a version that the Big Bang happen due to our brane hitting another one. Such collisions occur over time and come in cycles.
The bad news is that this hypothesis has the same problem The Big Bang Theory struggles with – clarity on how these cycles started in the first place! Hopefully, revolutionary equipment of the future will later fill in the blanks of the Cyclic Big Bang Theory. But what if there was no explosion at all?
The Big Chill Theory

Researcher James Quach says that the universe was born without any big bangs. It probably formed after a bundle of formless energy had frozen into ice, as with water. This new version of The Big Bang Theory is named The Big Chill. It suggests that the early cosmos was like a liquid at some point. It cooled and crystallized to form the four-dimensional space-time that we see today.
According to the Chill Theory, space-time consists of identical building blocks resembling atoms. There is so small that it’s impossible to see them directly. Universe expansion is predicted to continue forever, according to observations. According to this scenario, the universe would continue to expand, but its density would decline. The old stars would burn out, but the creation of new stars would cease. There would be a cold, dark universe.
Subsequently, there’s no way to prove this theory, although James Quach thinks there is still a chance to detect them. He says that at the moment, the blocks were cooling and crystallizing. They should have created the same cracks in the universe as we see on the ice. The scientist and his colleagues calculated that some would also be visible now.
They would need to run an experiment and finally find them. But how? It’s important to remember that light and other particles will be bent or reflected off these defects. Perhaps the Big Bang Theory will soon have to take the back seat while the crystallized Universe theory gets its time in the spotlight.
But what if all our attempts to discover how the world was created are futile? What if it’s all just a simulation? Like the Matrix!
Is The Universe A Matrix?
A German engineer named Konrad Zuse believes they could be living in a matrix. He was the first to suggest that our universe is just a computer program. His follower, professor Seth Lloyd, a quantum mechanic, claims that everything in the universe is made of bits – zeros and ones. Our world is a simple database.
This idea doesn’t deny the fact that the cosmos consists of atoms. It just says that they are bits of information too. From here, we can conclude that atomic collisions are operations, machine language is the laws of Physics, and the universe is a Quantum computer!
Maybe the cosmos is a Turing machine. It is an abstract computer equipped with doubly infinite tape divided into cells. The control unit can move left and right on the tape and perform read-write operations. Who knows, perhaps one of the cells contains complete information about you?
Ever witnessed an ultra-localized rain event? It would look like a natural shower just out of nowhere, like the rain simulation scenes in the Matrix. Do we have an explanation for weird deja vus and other kinds of stuff which make us feel like we have done things before – like a glitch in the Matrix? The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics could indirectly prove that our universe is a virtual world.

So, according to this hypothesis, particles are unstable and only freeze into a certain state. When observed, it turns out that the big computer keeps watching us! Our lives are just a simulation. Creepy, huh?
It is very clear how the primitive Big Bang Theory contradicts reality. If not the Big Bang Theory and not The Big Chill Theory, what can explain the beginning of the cosmos? How do you think the universe was created? After all these arguments, where’s the truth? Do you prefer the version that states the cosmos is a boiling kettle? Well, maybe our planet is just one of the bubbles or is everything around as a hologram?
Comment below and let me know if you have a better theory to explain the universe’s beginning!
Last Updated on November 16, 2023 by ayeshayusuf