Amphibians, birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals, plants, and reptiles have high chances of extinction. At least 1 million species will be extinct by 2050. The root cause of species loss includes hunting, clearing land for agriculture, and urbanization.
Earth is a unique place for animals in the food chain. Our many animals and birds have been endangered. Wildlife is a precious gift for this planet.
Reasons For Species Extinction
1. Ocean Pollution
Ocean pollution is a mixture of chemicals and trash that damages the environment and the health of an organism. Single-use plastics are the main reason for ocean pollution. When we visit rivers, oceans, and beaches, we throw plastic bottles and chips wrappers. Municipal corporation dumps the whole city’s garbage in rivers and oceans, harming marine life.
The report says there might be 50 times more microplastics in the sea by 2100.
Oil spills, littering, ocean mining, and chemical fertilizers also affect marine life. Crude oil lasts for years and is difficult to clean up. Sometimes, storms carry waste materials with them. Manufacturing industries release toxic waste into the ocean; sewage also contributes to ocean pollution.
Ocean mining disturbs the lowest level of the ocean. Drilling for cobalt, zinc, silver, gold, and copper creates harmful substance deposits deep inside the oceans. Excess nitrogen and phosphorous in seawater cause oxygen depletion. In search of food, marine animals eat plastics.
More than 80% of ocean pollution arises from land-based sources, and it reaches the oceans through rivers, deposition from the atmosphere, and direct dumping. Microplastics contain many toxic chemicals that make plastic flexible, colorful, waterproof, and fire-resistant.
2. Climate Change
3. Overfishing
The report clearly states that overfishing puts more than one-third of all rays, chimeras, and sharks at risk of extinction.
4. Urbanization
Urbanization is a process through which cities grow, and green plants are cut to build houses, schools, hospitals, and offices, from 56.2 percent of the global population today to 60.4 percent by 2030.
Some species can disappear from recently urban space. Birds fly for food to alternative places, could die once the food isn’t on the market, and disappear. Land insecurity, tide quality, excessive pollution, sound pollution, and the downside of waste disposal all square measure because of urbanization. It conjointly changes the climate of a specific space. Fossil fuels have unevenly distributed and inflated carbon levels within the atmosphere.
Education could be a robust explanation for urbanization. Urban areas provide opportunities for seeking high-quality education. Moreover, urbanization offers opportunities for finding out at universities and technical faculties. Such handsome education opportunities attract several kids in rural areas to maneuver to urban areas.
5. Hunting
Hunting is an act of killing wildlife or animals for food or pleasure. It is the main reason for species extinction.
Hunting destroys the ecosystem and increases the population of particular species. Some species are hunted for sale. The increase in human pollution contributed to the high demand for food and other raw materials, encouraging hunting.
Most of our cosmetic products comprise animal products. The restaurant demands a large quantity of fish and meats from several animals. Tribes hunt animals for their traditional beliefs.
Several raw materials of products such as clothes, creams, medicines, and lipsticks are rooted in animals. They have very high economic value. Some are using it for decoration or expressing power and superiority. Tigers, polar bears, and jaguars are probed for high-quality fur. Leather shoes, bags, and belts comprise animal skin.
6. Deforestation
Tropical forests include dense forests, where rainfall is abundant year-round, and seasonally moist forests, where rainfall is abundant but seasonal and drier. Deforestation meets some human needs; it has devastating consequences, including the extinction of flora and fauna, social conflict, and climate change, challenges that are not local but global.
Deforestation causes habitat destruction, increased risk of predation, and reduced food availability. It raises the temperature and air pollution. The problem arises when natural fire increases frequently and intensely or grows out of control. As we burn fossil fuels, climate changes and unnatural fires are becoming more and more common. Fires destroy millions of hectares of forests yearly.
As the population increases around the world, demand for meat will increase. Farmers expand into antecedently wooded areas in search of fertile soil to meet enlarged demand. Additional land is cleared to fulfilling demand.
Deforestation is an economic drawback. It conjointly causes eroding, changes the landscape, and makes it more durable to seek food. It may affect weather and water convenience and increase the danger of natural disasters.
Deforestation reduces the ability of the remaining forest to withstand natural disasters. Without trees’ roots helping to minimize soil erosion, the risk of landslides increases. Animals may try to cross highways and might be hit by cars or go to farmland or towns were killed in self-defense. Habitat loss means biodiversity loss, and that means loss of food sources.
Species That Might Go Extinct By 2050
- Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog
- North Atlantic Right Whale
- Bees
- Polar Bears
- Sea Turtles
- Asiatic Cheetahs
- Bali Tiger
- Javan Tiger
- Caspian Tiger
- Eels
- Dolphins
- Porpoises
- Orangutans
- Koalas
- Rhinos
- Coral
- Snow Leopard
- Elephants
- Lemurs
- Cheetah
- Silphium
- Lepidodendron
- Calamities
- Cooksonia
- Rhynia
- Western Underground Orchid
- Pitcher Plant
- Jellyfish Tree
- Corpse Flower
- Wood’s Cycad
- The Golden Toad
- Adelie Penguin
- Staghorn Coral
- Orange-spotted filefish
- American Pika
Species Extinction Impact On
a. Humans
Species extinction may affect human lives. It would cause various psychological traumas. It creates misplacement in crop pollination, water purification, and spiritual and cultural aspects.
We all went through the horror of the Covid-19 pandemic. We think it is because of bats. Yes, but not because of bat soup or bat meat. In Wuhan, bats are declining rapidly. The virus present in bats now can’t find bats to survive, so they entered humans and other animals for survival. Then coronavirus spread widely.
Healthy diverseness is vital to human health. As species disappear, infectious diseases rise in humans and animals. The loss of species and habitats poses the maximum danger to life on Earth as temperature changes will. Agricultural activities conjointly contribute to human emissions of greenhouse gases. The most significant threats to nature square measure the exploitation of plants and animals through gathering, logging, hunting, and fishing.
“If there are too several of any particular species, they’ll change the scheme because they destroy forests and carry disease.”
b. Nature
The main impact on nature is fresh air, fresh water, nutritious foods, climate change, drastic temperature changes, and the availability of medicines. It changes growth rate, pattern, effects on species distribution, interactions, ecosystem distribution, community structure, and composition. Environmental degradation extends to land, coastal, ecosystem, and fisheries. Sea level rise causes salination of coastal land and freshwater and storm surges.
The Possibilities
- Seas rising
- Ground collapses
- Allergies get worse
- Rivers melt sooner in spring
- Increased plant production
- Animals change behavior
- Hurricanes get stronger
- Lakes disappear
- More rain but less water
- Ice-free Arctic summers
- A chilled planet
- Worst mass extinction ever
- Overwhelmed storm drains
How Can We Save Our Nature And Animals?
- Reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Cleanups in our community.
- Conserve water.
- Less use of plastics.
- Use long-lasting light bulbs.
- Use sustainable products.
- Plant trees.
- Less use of fuels.
- Less use of paper.
- Use the newer method of agriculture.
- Never buy animals from a pet shop.
- Avoid hunting.
- Avoid excess use of animal flesh.
- Use natural cleaners.
- Consider a more plant-based diet.
- Choose organic.
- Avoid leather products.
- Boycott fur.
- Choose non-animal fabrics.
- Join wildlife protection organizations.
- Recycle waste at home.
- Make compost from organic waste.
- Switch to eco-friendly appliances.
- Control invasive plant species.
- Donate to sustainable causes.
Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by ayeshayusuf