Our planet is covered with forests covering 31% of its surface. Forests contribute to people’s well-being and survival by, for example, purifying water and air and providing jobs; some 13.2 million people in the world have a job in the forest sector, while another 41 million have jobs related to the sector.
More than three-quarters of the world’s land life is found in forests. Many creatures rely on woods as well. Moreover, forests have a vital role in tackling climate change since they act as carbon sinks, soaking up carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere and contributing to the climate change trend.

The Power of One Tree
Just as humans are made up of many parts that allow us to do amazing things, trees have many attributes that make them superhero-like. They provide us with oxygen, which is essential for life, and they remove harmful gases from the air, making it healthier to breathe.

The loss of a few plants and animals is not the primary concern; humanity stands to lose much more. Tropical forests are being destroyed, which risks our quality of life, gambles with the stability of the climate, and local weather threatens the existence of other species and undermines the valuable services provided by biological diversity.
What is Deforestation?
Deforestation is removing a forest or stands of trees where the land is converted for non-forest use. Examples of deforestation include converting forest land to farms, ranches, or urban use.
Deforestation occurs for many reasons: trees are cleared to gain agricultural land, to create pastures for livestock, to obtain wood for fuel or construction, and to make way for roads and other infrastructure.

The Consequence of Deforestation
Deforestation has severe consequences on the environment. The destruction of forests by whatever means is called deforestation. Deforestation can be caused by natural disasters, such as floods and fires, but humans cause the majority of deforestation.
Deforestation has several consequences on the environment. Firstly, it leads to a loss of habitat for animals. It can be devastating for animals. Secondly, deforestation causes soil erosion. When trees are removed, the top layer of soil is exposed to the elements. This soil is easily washed away by rain or blown away by the wind, leading to soil erosion.

Tropical rainforests provide humans with various vital services for survival, including erosion prevention, flood control, water filtration, fisheries protection, and pollination. Deforestation at the local level can lead to a loss of these services, which are valuable to the world’s poorest people. Forest loss also diminishes the availability of renewable resources like medicinal plants, food, game, and timber.
Effect of Deforestation on Climate
Deforestation is a contributor to climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. With more trees, more carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. In photosynthesis, trees also convert water and sunlight into glucose and oxygen.

Trees also play a role in precipitation. They create an evapotranspiration effect, which causes water vapor to rise into the atmosphere. It, in turn, creates clouds and leads to rainfall. Deforestation disrupts this process and can lead to a decrease in rainfall by up to 30%.
Need for Artificial Tree
There is a need for artificial trees to control pollution. We all know how much pollution is created by vehicles. To reduce this pollution, we need to use artificial trees. These artificial trees will convert the polluted air into the fresh air.

A team of Japanese scientists has developed a new artificial tree that they say can help reduce global warming. The tree, made of metal and plastic, can absorb carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases from the air. The team says they could place the tree in cities and other areas where pollution is high.
It would also be possible to use the tree to create energy. Scientists are currently conducting tests to see how effectively the tree reduces greenhouse gases.
How Logical Is It?
The article debates the pros and cons of using artificial trees to curb deforestation to replace natural trees. It argues that while artificial trees are more environmentally friendly in the short term, they are not a long-term solution and that we must focus on preserving nature.
What is BioUrban 2.0?
BioUrban 2.0 is a modular, organic, and biodegradable system that we can use to create sustainable and healthy cities. BioUrban 2.0 is made of plant-based materials that people can assemble into any shape or size. We can use the system parks, gardens, and even whole neighborhoods.
BioUrban 2.0 is the result of many years of research and development. The designers behind the project were inspired by the need for sustainable cities that can cope with the growing population. The system has already been tested in several cities around the world and has been met with
Can Artificial Trees Help Combat Climate Change?
Trees have been cited as one of the most viable solutions to climate change and global warming for many years now. A few words about their purpose: they absorb CO2, provide shade that cools the earth’s surface, and attract rain on time.

How would things be different if we had something that functions just like a tree but so much more ‘efficiently’ that it cut down on greenhouse gas emissions?
Artificial Trees to Offset Climate Change
Arizona State University engineering professor Klaus Lackner developed the technique after two decades of observing trees. Compared to trees that absorb 1 ton of carbon dioxide each, his mechanical tree will be able to absorb 32 tons of carbon dioxide in a single year. Its leaves can absorb 1,000 times more carbon dioxide than natural leaves.

It is estimated that 100 million of these mechanical trees could remove 3.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, about 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
Technological advancements along these lines continue to evolve around the globe due to explorations in geoengineering. It involves manipulating certain aspects of the environment to offset climate change.
Artificial trees sound promising, but they come with more costs than you think.
Ongoing Research
CityTrees, also known as artificial trees, are made up of modular units containing different types of mosses. The mosses are chosen because they effectively absorb different types of pollutants.
The CityTree can remove up to 272 pounds of pollutants a year, and because of the way they are designed, they can be placed anywhere.
CityTrees are mosses kept in a container and carefully controlled to ensure the plant is constantly thriving and performing at optimum air filtration. Power is supplied by solar panels onboard and batteries within the device.
Each CityTree can reduce pollution by 275 regular trees. CityTrees have been used in other cities and have been found to reduce air pollution. Air pollution is dangerous because it can get deep into your lungs or even pass into your bloodstream.
The Moral Cost of Artificial Trees
Technology has the potential to make humans more isolated from the natural world than ever before. As a result of greenhouse gas emissions, temperatures are on the rise. Technological alternatives, they believe, incentivize humans not to curb their emissions and effectively shift the responsibility.
Although artificial trees can sequester some current greenhouse gases, producing more of them perpetuates a vicious cycle that we will never be able to break. Playing with natural systems adds to the moral dilemma. Planting more trees in areas with more trees can only positively stabilize a tilting ecosystem.
The Final Verdict
A final question emerges from the above arguments: Can artificial trees contribute to a more comprehensive climate change solution?
The answer is both yes and no. While technology is becoming increasingly affordable, we’re not quite ready to install ‘forests’ of these trees on a large scale. A decision still needs to be made about whether the costs of such technology are worth the social cost, especially in light of other global crises. In addition, we need to evaluate whether investing in technology will be a get-out-of-jail-free card for those directly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.
Last but not least, we must remember that trees provide more benefits than just carbon sequestration – they provide shade, reduce pollution, save energy, protect wildlife, and more. Currently, artificial trees do not check any of these boxes. It’s a risky proposition.
Technology isn’t the end-all for natural ecosystems that depend on the centuries-old forest. Nevertheless, suppose we were to consider planting artificial trees alongside the continuous planting of real trees in specific areas. In that case, we may find that we are well on our way to slowing down the climate crisis.
Using technology to bolster natural systems without further damaging them is a balance we need to maintain.
Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by ayeshayusuf