Technologies have been friends of humans, as they are made to assist humans to have better experiences of life. Virtual Reality is one of the technologies which has emerged as a great advantage to explore the world and universe at a more intense level. Have you ever wondered what the educational world of the future would look like? Let’s dive into a future world, The India of 2073.

The concept of the virtual reality world as part of our regular life has been born half a century ago by the name of metaverse. The seed of transformation has been evolved in a big dense tree now.
The rigid boundary between Virtual and real world has been blurred by the help of advanced artificial intelligence technologies. Today there is co-existence of the virtual world with the real world, where one can experience reality like a virtual world, which is designed on their own accord.
Improvement of Education system has been a big challenge in front of India, for which the Indian government has also taken many significant measures. As being a proud country with the richest Heritage, culture and history of modern thoughts, India decided to take forward their modern and rich heritage with the help of modern technology.
India has an advancement of population dividend in present time as it is the most populous country with the youngest people. To use the golden chance at their best extent, India brings transformation by uplifting it’s education system and replacing obsolete ways by the modern technology of metaverse.
1. The Merge of Tradition and Modern

To metamorphose the experience of learning and education, India took a transformational step to take advantage of its heritage to bring an exceptional way of development.
Artificial intelligence makes it possible to achieve a plausible result of mere thoughts.
A world of virtual reality metaverse has been created by the help of Advanced AI technologies with the collaboration of other countries.
Japan helped India with its world’s most advanced technologies whereas the US has helped India with its equipment and powers. India has given its rich concepts of modern heritage, tradition and practices and created an exceptional and most effective and advanced way of learning.
2. Indian Institute of History and Culture

For higher studies, The Indian Institute of History and Culture has been established throughout the country in every state of India. There is a separate section of AI rooms designed especially for the students. The room is infused with highly advanced AI technologies.
By these technologies, a different environment of any era, with people and their culture, can be created. This is a unique way of providing students with the real-life experience of our past, culture and tradition. The door of the AI room can be called a door between two different time zones as behind the door lies a world of totally different beliefs, customs, and ways.

Students can enter the specially designed AI rooms where they have to live a virtual reality life according to that time zone and era. They would spend time with the designed characters (basically the people of that era who are designed to act and behave according to that era).
Not only the people in this world, each and everything, from animals, atmosphere to the smallest details, is designed to give a feel of reality of that time period. Thus, students by experiencing reality and by facing real life like situation can learn the real importance of the practices and customs which had been practised by our ancestors.
On top of it, students would get the chance to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors, learn from their experience and can come up with unconventional ways to tackle real life problems. It will also add to further go ahead towards the development and modernity with our own historical preservation.
3. Indus Valley Civilization
Harappan civilization is a globally well-known heritage, and the sites give evidence to its progressive culture and ways.

Back around 3000 BCE, the Harappan or The Indus valley civilization is one of the earliest developed civilizations of the world. To have such an extensive and developed piece of history, is in itself a very proud thing for India.
It is necessary to have an accurate knowledge of such a rich heritage and its culture therefore an initiative has been taken by India as a part of transformation in historical Education and perseverance.
Every secondary and senior secondary school has a compulsory facility of AI rooms, it is a part of promoting historical education and preservation on secondary levels.
The Harappan civilization is one of the compulsory topics to be taught under this initiative as it is one of the most advanced and earliest civilizations of the Indian subcontinent.
3.1. The Infrastructure Techniques of the Harappan People

It’s been thousands of centuries since the Indus valley civilization had been destroyed by some unfortunate devastation, but even today after many thousand years we can see its remnants. As found by our archaeologists Daya Ram Sahni and Madho Sarup Vats, the remaining parts of a proper developed urban society. That’s how strong and efficient the Harappan people have built their buildings and houses.
It is a thing to learn from them as in recent times we ‘civilized’ humans are facing lots of current problems like collapse of buildings, bridges, cracks in roads etc. All of these problems are coming up because of lack of accurate concerns while designing such infrastructure.
The feebleness of land, the environment, population and quality need to be keep in mind while making any such projects as there is an accountability towards the people who are going to avail these facilities. Therefore our students can learn these ancient techniques of accurate infrastructure designing and what should be the concerns of it by this virtual reality world and AI technologies.
3.2. The Drainage System of Harappan People
The drainage system of Harappan people is the most popular and advanced according to recent drainage systems. Their kitchen and washrooms’ drains were connected to the main drain which takes the water to the cesspool. They used strong bricks to cover those drains. All of these drains were crossing each other, that’s how they developed a kind of complex design of drainage system. And by covering it they were maintaining hygiene and protecting themselves from many diseases.
The drains were designed to flow towards the downside of the land so that whenever there is an excessive water situation like excessive rains the drains would not overflow. There were also used stone slabs along with bricks so that the drains can be open and cleaned regularly with ease, this never let the drain to be choked and make a condition of water logging.
In today’s scenario the flood, overflow of drains and water logging is common, specially in monsoons. This shows a failure in our system, even after having advantages of such advanced technologies and equipments, we weren’t able to achieve the accuracy like Harappan people. To bring a change in our approach the AI tools are helping a lot as our students are learning these methods and creating an apt attitude of development.
4. The Devotion of Nature

India is a proud country full of diversity. Nature is one of the parts of its diversity. Ayurveda is a medical aspect of our nature as it is proved now that the critical disease which can’t be cured by medical science, Indian Ayurveda has its cure. It has been practised from ages by our Gurus. For example an ancient Indian sage called Sushruta was considered the father of surgery as he had performed many of the modern days or even more critical surgeries in his lifetime.
We Indians use several natural herbs like Neem and Tulsi to cure our regular cough, for hygiene and to kill bacteria and germs. It is evident that Humans and nature are interconnected, therefore in India nature has been worshipped by the people to show our devotion and respect towards it.
This is the Indian value which can pass to our next generation, that they should always be grateful for nature. By our unconventional modern techniques of Virtual reality, Students are learning and realising the reason behind our values and customs of worshiping nature.
This is being done by creating a virtual reality scenario and environment of our ancient India where people are shown to be worshipping nature as God and Goddess. Aside there are annotations also of related practice, its name, cause and importance.
By doing so, India is also ensuring to contribute their part in protecting nature. As we can see we humans have made an irreversible devastation on nature, and we are losing it gradually. In reaction we are getting dense troubles for us and our further generation. But by including nature values and importance to be taught in advanced pedagogy of AI of virtual reality, India is building a kind of accountability of our actions towards nature inside our students so that they can take wise decisions to tackle the problems.
5. Buddha’s Philosophy

Mahatma Budh’s Philosophies have always been a base to understand the meaning of life. Mahatma Budh was a sincere philosopher who got his enlightenment through several years of practice. He has very simple but deep Philosophies. “According to Buddhist philosophy, the world is transient (anicca) and constantly changing; it is also soulless (anatta) as there is nothing permanent or eternal in it”,(NCERT, History 2005 edition). This philosophy taught us to always move forward in our life as what has happened we can’t change it but if we kept ourselves attached to our past then we would lose our today’s happiness.
In addition, we should always keep updated ourselves and change ourselves according to the time and situations’ need.

Mahatma Budh also preached eight paths of life as a base; True understanding, True thought, True action, True speech, True livelihood, True efforts, True concentration and True mindfulness. These are the eight ways that people can follow to live life accurately. These are not mere riotous words but they each consist with a whole aspect and reality of human life.
Such kind of preachings can’t be taught just by mugging up the minds with myriads of books and syllabi. This needs to be realised, which further needs to be experienced on our own. Therefore students have been given tasks to live their life by following each of these philosophies and give a report on what change they can observe in their life now in comparison to earlier life. Thus students relate and realize the importance of Mahatma Budh and their philosophy which is helping them to create a more precise society for humans to live.
6. The Gurukul System of India
In ancient India, we have Gurukul systems as some of their references can be found in Indian mythology texts like Ramayan and Mahabharat. Gurukul was an excellent education system in India where students used to live with their Gurus(teachers), there students were taught to be self-reliant in every aspect, they were taught all of the essential life skills like cooking, cleaning, combat and defence, Diagnosis etc. They were also taught several subjects including psychology, astronomy, and medical on a very advanced level so that students should be prepared to face any situation in life. Though the British invaders have destroyed all of them.
To break the false norms of Britishers which regards Indians as illiterate and savage and to make alive and acknowledge our culture of extensive knowledge and learnings, the Gurukul system is also introduced under the virtual reality Education system.
It gives a chance to students to live the life as a gurukul student and to learn the importance of Guru and education in our life.
7. Akbar’s Modern Policies
7.1. The Agricultural System in Akbar’s Kingdom
As having the geographical advantage of tropical atmosphere, India has always been a country of abundant food. India is globally renowned for its agriculture and land strength to give diversified food to its people.
Throughout the invaders periods in India Akbar’s Kingdom period was one of the affluent kingdoms which is famous as a golden period of the Mughal’s reign. Akbar understood the extensive capacity of the fertile land of India and took several progressive initiatives to improve it.
7.2. The Irrigation System
Akbar took reforming steps of the irrigation system by creating a small water drain which connected all the fields with the rivers to give required moisture to the soil and seed. If there would be excessive rain, the water would not ruin the crops and would go to the rivers by the help of drains.
7.3. The Secularism of Akbar’s Kingdom
Din-i Ilahi was a religion which was established by Akbar in the 16th century, this was open to all people irrespective of their social status, caste, gender or religion. It is also called a means to give respect to all the religions and have tolerance for diversity. It is our basic concept of the Indian constitution in today’s time.
By spending their time in a real like virtual reality world of Akbar’s Kingdom, students would learn our basic concept of secularism, as being a diverse country India has followed the path of secularism which is laid by India constitution. Students would learn to have tolerance and respect towards diverse people and their religion. There would be no nonsensical fighting on religion or caste.
Furthermore, though today we have advanced technologies to promote our agriculture, it is also a harsh reality that people are losing interest in the field of agriculture as it is considered to be a sign of being ‘backward’. But by adding these agricultural values in our basic education will make students realise the importance of it and make them proud to become a part of this field.
8. The Non-Violence Philosophy of Gandhiji
Modern Indian history is full of Gandhi’s great actions, efforts and philosophies. Non-violence is one of the most prominent philosophies of Gandhiji which is strictly followed by Gandhiji throughout his life.
The world has witnessed deadly wars like nuclear world wars, the Russia and Ukraine war. The situation of war is common among the countries as even a small agitation could lead to havoc of deaths because almost all the countries have made themselves equipped with nuclear weapons in the name of defence strategy.

All the wars, be it world war between countries or the regional wars between two adverse nations, it had resulted in anguish of the innocent common people. They become victims of the adversary between two nations. War only leads to destruction of human, economy and infrastructure resources. Therefore we can say that Gandhi’s non-violence philosophy is the need of the hour which should be taught to our younger generations in today’s time.
Though we have been reading it for more than a century, it is pathetic that we still do not practice the philosophy in our real life. Therefore a new way through this Artificial illusionary world of virtual reality has been given to the students, so that they can actually feel the seriousness of the situation and learn how to tackle it without violence as done by Gandhiji.
No matter how troubled the situation was, Gandhiji never let the violence to overcome his mindfulness. He strengthened his determination this much that Britishers had to keep their knees down before Gandhiji. This would be learned by our younger generations so that there would be a solution on the basis of diplomatic talks, and war would not be an option in any situation.
These are just some of the initiatives which could be named here, but there are several other initiatives which are the parts under this special virtual reality education system. Many other countries like Japan, Indonesia, Europe etc. are reaching to India for its collaboration with them to share the teachings of rich Indian heritage and promote it globally.
9. Conclusion
Many advanced emerging technologies have surrounded the world, the metaverse of Virtual reality is one of these technologies. There is a possibility that in the future the technology of virtual reality could be used to such an extent that it would fade away the line between reality and virtual reality. This can be used to create exceptional and unconventional ways to carry forward our culture, values along with modern day science. It would help to give a boost to the connection of our roots to us and will lead a more stronger base of development.
Last Updated on October 10, 2023 by ayeshayusuf