The end of the world is an old story told many times. The date has been set, and the world will end on a specific date. The details change, but the result is always the same – the world’s people will be destroyed, and only a new, better version of humanity will survive.
If the world ended tomorrow, what would happen? What would we do? How would we survive? These are some of the questions people have when the world ends, and they think about the possible outcomes. If the world ends tomorrow, there are a few different scenarios we can look forward to. Some people are probably already preparing for the end of the world as we know it, while many others are just waking up to the prospect.

Guillaume de Germain / Unsplash
What if the world ended tomorrow?
This is perhaps the scenario that is most commonly discussed. Many people are probably already planning their exit strategy and acquiring survival gear.
There will probably be chaos and uncertainty as people try to adjust to life without a dominant, well-established order in place. With no governments, social organizations or formal companies to regulate, naturally, there will be fighting, killing and the like. There will probably be large-scale starvation as people try to eat what they can find.
There will probably be disease and disruption as people try to meet their basic needs. Many will probably migrate to other countries or try to live in abandoned buildings in this scenario. There may or may not be widespread war. It is an implausible ending, but it is certainly one that people should prepare for.
The No-End Plan
In this particular scenario, the world ends peacefully and without much fanfare. It is generally accepted that the earth will be destroyed, but there is a disagreement about when and by whom. Some believe it will be an act of war, while others prefer to think of it as a natural catastrophe.
Photo By : Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona / Unsplash
A New World Order
The world ends a little sooner due to a natural disaster in this scenario. It could be a pandemic, a massive flood or an asteroid strike. In this scenario, the world will be changing very quickly since people have not yet found a way to deal with this situation. There will be many social problems and a lot of disruption.
There may be a war and perhaps a pestilence. In this scenario, people are just starting to adapt to a new way of life. It is the most likely outcome known as the fast forward world. It is perhaps the most optimistic of all the scenarios as it sees the most potential for new world order. It is also the one that sees the most potential for problems.
Humans Are The Only Lifeform On Earth
In this case, the world ends because of a biological disaster. It could be a pandemic, a large-scale terrorist attack or a worldwide drought. It would be the most likely cause of the world’s end as we know it and the extinction world. This would be a catastrophic event and leave behind a barren landscape.
It is perhaps the most extreme scenario as it would see the most people without a way to survive. The chances of this scenario happening are estimated at 50/50 by various organizations. A large-scale war could scupper this scenario as it is more likely to end the world as we know it than a pandemic.
A barren wasteland
The world can end due to climate change. It could be a natural disaster such as a flood, a superstorm or a pandemic. It could also be a man-made disaster such as a dust-up between countries over a border dispute. In this scenario, the weather changes, and the climate warms, making everything on the other side of the planet uninhabitable.
It is perhaps the least likely of all the outcomes, as it would require a massive change in how the world works. Significant changes in how anything works tend to be reasonably disruptive, so it is difficult to see this being tolerated by those on either side of the divide. It is also likely that this would be the least talked about of all the outcomes.
Survival of the Fittest
If a natural disaster arises, the world will be on high alert. It could be a major volcanic eruption, a worldwide drought or a pandemic. A large scale war could scupper this scenario as it is more likely to end the world as we know it than a drought.
It may also endanger the fittest species on earth as there would be nothing to compete against in food or resources. It is perhaps the most pessimistic of all the outcomes as it would see the most people without a way to survive. It is typically referred to as the extinction world.

Christiaan Huynen / Unsplash
Scenarios For The Future
This scenario could lead to the world ending because of a war. It could lead to a world of Annihilation. It is the most probable of all the outcomes as it is the most likely to happen. There would probably be war and disruption in the way of government. Food and living conditions would be deplorable, and people would be on the move. There would also probably be a pandemic as well as a large-scale epidemic.
It is perhaps the most dangerous of all the scenarios as it would see the most people without a way to survive. It is the one that involves the most technology, so it is considered the most difficult to defend against.
A Look At The Possible Outcomes
If there were an economic or political event that caused the world to end, it would be an unfortunate outcome. It could be a significant pandemic, major international incident or a natural disaster.
It is perhaps the most likely outcome and is called the Blackout World. It is perhaps the most common of all the outcomes and is the one that is expected most by the general public. There will be a period of darkness in this world after the world has ended. This is sometimes referred to as a Dark Age.
People will try to survive by staying inside and using candles as light sources. Food and other essential supplies will be hard to come by. The Blackout World is a very dark and dreary place to live, so it is no surprise that people are more likely to survive there. Most of them will be too poor to purchase survival gear and live in shacks or huts.
The Future Of Life On Earth
The research into “The Biology of The Future” headed into the 21st century focused on the evolution of species, trying to predict what will happen to us should we become extinct.
What if the earth’s species became extinct? What if a pandemic or asteroid wiped out most of the human race? What would happen to our DNA and the biosphere? First, the species’ future is fascinating, and it’s not even finished being discovered.
We know there are compounds in our bodies that are unique to known species, and there’s a good chance we’re not the only beings in the universe. We may even be the only intelligent species that live on earth.
If and when we become extinct, it won’t be the end of the world because there are a slew of species capable of adapting to changes in the environment than we are. Second, we create our reality by the thoughts we choose to express.
Whether you choose to believe in an alternate reality or not, you can choose to think positively and create a better reality by thinking positively about the future of life on earth.
What Will Happen To Humans?
Hopefully, the world ends tomorrow or the next day so that we can start again. The first thing that would happen is most probably an extinction event. There are around 6 to 9 million species on earth, so there is a lot of potential for diversity.
If all of those species suddenly vanished, new species could evolve in their place. There is a really good chance that new species would evolve in the form of a “super-species.” This is what happened in the past when species became extinct.
There is a chance that a new species could evolve in the future, resulting in a new type of person. If the world ends today, we’ll probably become a post-apocalyptic society.

Earth From A Sudden Stop
Humans may have been affecting the environment for much longer than we realized. We know that microbes live in our digestive system, skin, and hair, and microbes everywhere else in the environment.
Our clothes, our food and our buildings all contain microbes. The only way to cleanse and remove these microbes is to spit or brush your teeth. We can’t just wait for the world to end because we affect the environment. If we stopped polluting the environment now, it would take thousands of years for the levels to return to normal.
However, the world has been polluting the environment for thousands of years, so it’s doubtful that things will gradually return to normal. The world will continue to pollute as long as humans survive, and a world without humans is unlikely to return to normal for a long time.
An asteroid strikes the Earth
While an asteroid can land within our atmosphere and cause an extinction event, it’s more likely that an asteroid will impact the ocean or a mountain. The likelihood of an impact close to where humans reside is very low but not impossible.
If an impact were to take place, the most significant impact would be on North America, as that is the largest landmass in the world. Fortunately, there are several reasons that an asteroid impact is unlikely.
First, the earth’s axis has been misaligned for hundreds of millions of years, so an impact on the east coast would likely send the westernmost part of the country into a tailspin. Second, most of the world’s population lives on the west coast of the US, so there is a good chance that most people would survive a meteor impact.
How Life On Earth Will Survive
A few things could potentially help life on earth survive an end to the world as we know it.
The great thing about microorganisms is that they can live on almost any surface. If an asteroid had the power to wipe out most species on earth, then microorganisms living on the barren rock could survive.
The oceans provide us with a great source of protein, and its possible fish could evolve to feed on natural toxins in the water. The forests provide a great source of fresh oxygen, and its animals could evolve to feed on the trees.
The End Of The World
If everything on earth were to become extinct, it would take a much worse event than a pandemic or asteroid strike to wipe us out completely. Several things could happen if the world ended today. The first is that the earth would go into a permanent state of hibernation.
It would be followed by an arid, hot and dusty period that would last for hundreds of years. The next phase would be a pluvial phase, during which rivers would dry up, and the amount of carbon in the air would be reduced to 0%. This would be followed by a glaciation phase during which the entire earth would be covered by ice.

What if a Plague Were to Rise
Plagues are messengers. They are meant to be, in a sense, the death knell for the living. The first pandemic was not the Black Death (the one that killed 50 per cent of Europe) but a simpler version that became pandemic-worthy due to its severity. A plague is not supposed to be carried by humans but by fleas. The flea is the carrier; it finds a host with a disease and releases it, contaminating the entire surrounding.
The plague is essentially a bacterial infection, and it has two main stages. The first stage is an infection, and the second is killing. The infection stage is short, and it causes flu-like symptoms. The second stage is the one that determines the fate of the infected.
During this phase, plague-like symptoms develop into a form of death from sepsis, during which the flea’s vital functions are shut down.
What If All Humans Dies?
Considering that the human race has been around for less than 100 years, it’s not something that many people are apprehensive about. But our species’ niche in the scheme of things has been relatively small. The total number of humans that have lived on this planet is estimated at roughly 5 to 6 million. According to estimates, the world’s current population is roughly 100 million.
If the current population growth rate were to continue, our species would reach 10 to 15 million people in just over 100 years. A pandemic that wiped out 90 per cent of the global population in a matter of months would change all that. The only way to survive in such circumstances would be to find a new niche – perhaps as a parasite.
What If A Supervolcano Exploded?
The possibility of a catastrophic supervolcano eruption is very low, given the current low activity levels. But that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t happen. At present, there is an active volcano on 16 different continents. The most likely place that a supervolcano eruption would occur is in an island chain off the west coast of Australia.
The last supervolcano eruption was about 100,000 years ago. The eruptions of Mt. St. Helens and Yellowstone National Park’s volcano have already been mentioned. For an eruption of this magnitude to occur, the increase in the earth’s temperature would be very rapid. The average temperature globally has increased by about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit during the past two million years.
That is a considerable margin of error that could be significant.
Given the extremely high death toll that a pandemic would likely cause, the question becomes: What if you are the last one alive? We’ll start with the easy one first. The first stage of a pandemic is isolation.
Most people are alive and well during this stage, but they are not interacting with others. The second stage is Statistics. During this stage, the average person’s immune system is fighting off the disease, but there are still a few people who don’t have a chance. These people would be very sick, and they would likely die. The final stage is survival.
In this stage, the person is struggling to stay alive, and they are more likely to be sick. If a pandemic were to appear, the first stage would be isolation.
Like the list above, this one is also straightforward. It would last about three months. After that, people would be able to interact again, but only through quarantine. The last stage would be survival, which would probably last about six months.
The food production chain would immediately go haywire
World hunger and malnutrition are pandemic-induced problems created by a lack of food. While a pandemic would likely result in massive shortages, the food production chain would not be able to sustain the increased demand. While the world can produce more food than it can consume, the timing would be wrong.
The timing and the amount of food that could be produced during a pandemic would be minimal. One could grow enough food to last through a pandemic, but it would probably take more land than needed to grow food properly. It seems like a bad idea with the world already at a near-disaster point due to climate change.
However, there is a ray of hope
The one ray of hope is that humans can be very protective of their food.
If a pandemic struck and everyone just went hungry, then the food supply could keep up with the demand, and people would be able to survive.
But for it to work, people would have to be very careful about where they stored their food and what they were eating. A pandemic would happen sooner than later. But it would also be possible, given the right set of circumstances, that a pandemic would never happen.
The end of the world is a common theme in literature and film. It is a time when people congregate to discuss their beliefs, politics, and the world’s future.
It is not something that you will ever experience in your life, but it is something that people have speculated about for millennia.
The details may vary, but the outcome is always the same – a better version of humanity will survive, and the world will pass away. If you love the end of the world as we know it, then prepare for the end of the world. There will be change and uncertainty, but the end will be inevitable. Start saving for the future, and don’t forget to keep your plans a secret from your family and friends.
Last Updated on November 16, 2023 by ayeshayusuf