A black hole occurs in space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. But what if you fell into one? Could you survive and come out the other side? Or would you be crushed beyond recognition?
By getting too close to one, your trajectory might take you past the point of no return. This article explores different theories about what would happen if you enter a black hole.
What Happens When You Enter a Black Hole?
The boundary of space that marks the end of your journey through space and time is- Event Horizon. It’s also where gravity from all directions becomes infinite. You will enter the event horizon when you fall into a black hole. The closer is the black hole, the faster the time passes for you and the faster everything around you moves. If you were to fall into it, your speed would increase dramatically, so much so that it would be impossible to detect your presence at all.
When falling into a black hole, your location would be distorted in time and space because of the gravitational force pulling on you from all directions. As your speed increases beyond lightspeed (186,000 miles per second), time slows down for everyone else and yourself because of relativity (the theory that describes how measurements in one frame of reference are related to those made in other frames).
For example, there may be someone watching you fall into the black hole, and they will see an object moving away from them at high speed while they are stationary relative to their location in space-time.
In this way, if someone were watching an object near a black hole fall towards it, they wouldn’t see it approach or stop falling; instead, they’d only see it move away at an ever-increasing speed without any indication that something has happened along its path or that it’s approaching anything remotely dangerous or even harmful. This is called a ‘singularity’ because it’s a point in space-time where the theory of relativity breaks down and the concept of time and space are no longer valid.
Event Horizon
It is the boundary that marks the point in space-time where the gravitational pull of the black hole is strong enough to let nothing escape it. Its surface is called an ‘event horizon’ because it’s a point where time and space are no longer valid; therefore, no light can escape from within this sphere. For this reason, it’s also known as the ‘point of no return.’
The event horizon may be invisible because even light cannot escape from within it. However, we can still see objects on their surface because they are still moving away from us at high speeds, even though we cannot detect them as anything other than points on a flat surface. We can also see objects inside this sphere because they’re moving toward us at high speeds; however, their appearance will be distorted by gravity and light bending around them. This distortion is called ‘gravitational lensing.
If you were to look at an object such as an astronaut or a satellite orbiting near a black hole, you would see it shrink in size while traveling towards you but then expand again when passing behind you. This effect is caused by how light waves bend around an object and how gravity distorts them as they pass behind something with mass (i.e., something that has mass).
This means that two effects are happening simultaneously: firstly, we would see objects appear to shrink and then grow again in size, and secondly, we would see them appear to move away from us and then towards us again.
Viktor Forgacs / Unsplash
The Big Crunch: Going Back to the Beginning of Time
In this way, a black hole’s singularity is the beginning of time and the end of everything. It’s also called ‘The Big Crunch’ because, according to Einstein’s theory of gravity, the universe will eventually collapse back on itself and start over again. It is an endless cycle from the singularity at the center of a black hole.
When one falls into a black hole: you never really die. You keep falling for all eternity. This can be frightening for some people who might find it hard to accept that their life is passing them by without them being able to do anything about it or that they’ll never get out of this scary place alive.
But what if it’s not so bad? After all, if everyone else who falls into a black hole experiences the same thing repeatedly, they won’t feel so lonely in their loneliness as they fall through space-time forever…
Could you survive entering a Black Hole?
No, you can’t. Black holes are so bizarrely compact that they can’t even contain light. So even if you were to fall into one and survive the fall, the black hole would still be too small to contain your entire body. It would be so small that you’d pass right through the event horizon without being able to feel a thing. They’re so tiny that a million million million million million million black holes could fit inside a single grain of sand!
So even if you fell into one at this moment in time, it wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because your body would already have passed through its event horizon long before then
Would You Be Crushed to Death?
No, you wouldn’t. This is because nothing in the universe can pull as firmly as gravity. Just like the Earth’s surface isn’t crushed to a powder by its gravity, once you pass the event horizon of a black hole, it will stop pulling on you enough for your body to be crushed.
A black hole couldn’t crush you because they don’t have any gravity to crush you with. It’s like trying to crush an ant under your foot with all the weight of planet Earth! It just wouldn’t work!
A Black Hole doesn’t have enough gravitational force to crush anything inside it, even if we compare it to how much gravitational force is in an entire planet. So even if you went back in time and started falling into one now, it would still take way too long for your body to be crushed by its gravity. If you went back far enough in time, this black hole would still only be able to contain a small fraction of your mass (like less than 10% or something).
Can Anything Escape From A Black Hole?
No, not really. But that’s not because a black hole is “impossibly” strong. It’s just that the laws of physics say it can’t be done. A black hole will always have a certain amount of mass, so it will always pull on anything that passes by it (even if you pass it many times).
Nothing escapes from a black hole because there’s nothing in the universe that can escape from its gravity. For example, if you tried to run away from a black hole at the speed of light, your body would still be pulled into the black hole even after passing it many times. There are no other strong forces to break this “law of gravity.”
If you were going faster, like faster than the speed of light, then this would be true, but we still wouldn’t understand how something could go faster than light without violating other laws.
The only way to escape from a black hole is to use “faster-than-light” technology or get out before getting sucked into it! You’d have to make sure your spaceship doesn’t get caught up in the event horizon and fall in! It would also have to have a constant fuel supply since once inside the event horizon, space and time stop for your ship; even if you had all this stuff in place (like an unlimited supply of fuel), once inside the event horizon, there’s nothing you can do but wait to be sucked into the black hole.
That’s what’s so cool about black holes. They’re so vast and dense that they have their gravity, which is stronger than any other kind of gravity in the universe!
If a black hole has only 1 gram of mass, its Schwarzschild radius will be the same as the radius of a proton (the smallest subatomic particle). If a black hole has 10 kilograms of mass, its Schwarzschild radius will be 10 meters. If a black hole has 10 billion kilograms of mass, its Schwarzschild radius will be 1 kilometer.
Photo By :
John Paul Summers / Unsplash
Should We Fear Black Holes?
In the end, black holes are just a prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. If the black hole is big enough, it will cause the space around it to contract to a point. But what does this mean for us?
This doesn’t mean that black holes are dangerous or that we need to worry about them.
The only way you could ever interact with a black hole is if you were somehow sucked into one. But as long as you’re outside of its event horizon, there’s no danger!
In case of a black hole, the only thing that will happen is that you’ll be unable to escape it. But if you’re outside of its event horizon, then there’s nothing you can do about it!
Jeremy Perkins
/ Unsplash
How do we know black holes exist?
Black holes are predicted by general relativity. They form when a star collapses at the end of its life and is eventually torn apart by the immense gravity of the event horizon.
They are not seen directly since they’re so small that you can’t see them with your eyes, but we can infer their existence using general relativity.
Back holes were predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity, not by observation.
Black holes are a useful way to test the theory of general relativity, but they don’t exist.
Why can’t we see black holes?
It is unlikely to see black holes directly. If you could look at them, you’d be able to cross the event horizon and escape from their gravitational pull.
But because of the enormous gravity of a black hole, it would take an infinite amount of energy to reach the event horizon, and once you did get there, it would take an infinite amount of time to escape again.
You can also think of how long it would take for light from a star being ripped apart by a black hole’s gravity to reach us: If a star were ripped apart by the gravitational force of a black hole, then what happens when that light reaches us? The light from the star would have reached us before it was ripped apart by the black hole’s gravity! So we wouldn’t see anything!
This means that if you could ever see one, you’d be able to get out! But because they’re so tiny and so far away (and because they have such powerful gravitational pull), we won’t ever be able to see them directly.
Would you finally be able to see when you enter the black hole?
The most direct way to see inside a black hole is to look at the accretion disk of matter that surrounds it. These are like little clouds of gas that orbit the black hole, and they can be seen with a telescope!
What we would see is this: We’d see lots of stars orbiting around the black hole, but they’d all be moving very quickly. And we’d also see a ring of matter surrounding the black hole, which was being pulled into its gravitational field by the black hole. This ring would be made up of particles accelerated to near lightspeed and were now being dragged into its gravitational field. The particles were being pulled into the black hole’s gravity so fast that they didn’t have time to slow down again before getting sucked in. And because gravity is constantly pulling on something.
Photo By :
Aman Pal / Unsplash
Travelling through a black hole
Travelling through a black hole is like travelling through a tunnel. You are moving so fast that you can’t tell where the tunnel begins and the black hole ends, and it’s impossible to tell how far down the tunnel goes.
But according to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, this is all possible because space-time is curved like a saddle! This means we can travel inside a black hole without ever noticing that we’re going inside one!
So if we go into a black hole, what happens? According to general relativity, if you go into a black hole, you would be able to see yourself as your mass continues to accelerate towards the center of the black hole. You would be able to see yourself being dragged along in this way, but only for an instant, before disappearing into the interior of the black hole forever!
This is called “wormhole-ing” because it looks like a wormhole in space.
This seems so strange because it looks just like something that has happened before – time travel! But time travel is impossible according to our current understanding of physics (at least until we find some new laws of physics).
So how can something look so similar but then still be impossible? When you travel through a wormhole in space, your mass accelerates away from you so that it appears as if nothing has changed. You’re still moving usually, and everything looks normal on Earth, but you have entirely disappeared from an outside perspective! You went into a black hole and then came out the other side. You’re still moving usually, but you’ve disappeared.
So if you go into a black hole, what happens to you? You disappear. But that’s not all!
If you go into a black hole, it doesn’t matter where you are in the universe – your entire universe will also disappear!
Black holes are mysterious and mystical places in our universe. We know so little about them, and we don’t even know if they exist. But we can say with certainty that if a black hole does exist, nothing can escape from it. The laws of physics are different inside a black hole than outside of it; no matter what is going on outside of it, nothing can escape from it!
I think these mysterious and dangerous objects do exist because they’re so far beyond our current understanding of physics that they defy logic and sound science. The only way to explain how something could be able to trap anything forever is by having some new law of physics that we don’t yet understand but which allows for such an incredible thing as a black hole to happen. So there you have it – my theory on how things work deep within our Milky Way Galaxy and beyond!
Last Updated on August 16, 2023 by ayeshayusuf