Many issues have been resolved with the aid of virtual reality (VR). Be it entertainment, gaming, commercial business, the fashion industry, cooking, or even mental illness. So, why not physical healing through VR physical therapy?
But before getting to know all about VR physical therapy, let’s first understand how virtual reality actually works and what it is.
Imagine, just by putting on one piece of equipment, you can enter a whole different place, no need to travel, no need to spend money, and no need to get out of your house.
You might be thinking right about this point that I’m talking about going somewhere like a scene from the film.
But we don’t have to visit any destination in reality.
The world is brought to you through VR.
You will be physically presented in your room, but through stimulated visuals, you get yourself immersed in a digitized environment.
Now you may wonder how this technology is going to take the place of your personal physiotherapist, right?
There are 85% of people around the world suffering from one or another physical problem. And some of them are caused by accidents or the side effects of major illnesses.
Just 50% of these people seek medical aid, and after that, physicians suggest physical therapy for them.
Only half of these people visit physiotherapists in real life after getting recommended. Then what is the excuse for not going to a physical therapist for some people?
Few don’t have enough income to pay for every session, in a busy world, it is difficult to take some time, especially to go for physical therapy.
And then their physical condition keeps getting worse. After this, some try home remedies to cure their pain, and few start taking painkillers or other antibiotics.
It is obvious, as everyone may know about it, that not all health problems can be solved by home remedies.
1. What Defines VR Physical Therapy
There will be days when your hand, back or any part of your physique starts paining out of nowhere. And you avoid those pains, thinking that your bad sleeping or sitting posture might be the reason behind them.
And then that ache starts taking a toll on your day-to-day activities, and day by day it starts discomforting you. After which, you start doing hot or cold compresses, applying ointment, and even consuming painkillers.
But this might be a temporary solution to your ache. And due to personal reasons, many people prefer not to go to physical therapy.
This is where VR physical therapy comes into work.
You just need to place on digitized apparatus over your head.
Now you may wonder how VR hardware, which is for visuals, will help your body recover physically, right?
This whole process is not just based on one thing, though VR goggles are an important part of the whole kit.
This kit consists of elastic bands, hand and leg weights, a smart mirror, a run pod and sticks.
These all work as an add-on as per what type of difficulty level you want to choose according to the severity of the ache.
If you desire a higher level of VR physical therapy, then there are sensors available. These sensors will track your flexibility and the force of your body while you are taking physical therapy.
The whole VR physical therapy kit will help increase the stimulation of various body systems, including your sensory system.
This can be extremely beneficial for both physical problems and mental issues.
2. Benefits of VR Physical Therapy
You may wonder if VR physical therapy is only for normal body aches, which we all suffer once in a while.
But let me tell you, major diseases or disorders can be cured through it.
Autism, balance disorders, chronic pain, delayed development, and even neurological disorders can be treated with VR physical therapy.
It might be beneficial for senior citizens as well.
Through VR, you may select any activity or any place. Like playing football on the playground.
With the help of the whole kit, it will feel as though you are actually on the ground playing football. In your subconscious mind, you would be worried about your soreness.
But of course, the ball will just be on the screen. You just have to move your leg as directed on the screen.
By this, you will be treating yourself to it and you can even enjoy your favourite sports
Some kits provide you with harnesses. With this system, people suffering from balanced disorders, like senior citizens and babies suffering from delayed development, can get benefits.
They are made to do some body movements, and they have to walk in a virtual track, as they have harnesses, they will feel secure and won’t be afraid of falling down.
Simulation through VR physical therapy will allow people to adapt and learn how to control their bodies and sense of movement.
With the help of variety in a virtual environment, it can be a reason for distraction from pain. You can take VR physical therapy in virtual spaces like forests, beaches, gardens, mountains, etc.
Traditional physical therapy was all about boring exercises, but this VR physical therapy will heal you in a fun and peaceful way.
Be it fractures, coordination problems, balance disorders, or even a normal body ache. VR physical therapy is the solution to all the problems.
3. Conclusion
If we combine traditional and VR physical therapy, people can improve in a short period of time, it can be effective, and they can also gain confidence.
Through VR physical therapy, improvements in posture and stability can be made.
Many rehab centers are adapting this technology to give people proper treatment.
Few neurologists even suggest this therapy to their patients. Because mental healing with physical treatment with only one therapy is really an amazing concept.
If any person wants advanced physical therapy, he may use all the tools.
And if the problem is minor, he can just use the goggles and treat himself anytime in whichever fun way he wants.
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Last Updated on September 9, 2023 by Apeksha Soni