Are you ready to see your school again? Do you know the closed one, boarded up, and eventually transferred to another location? The one where you no longer have access to a classroom and computers? The one that replaced the playground with an infertile site filled with weeds? The answer is no. Your school will remain closed. You can use those words with the utmost confidence because the people left behind – educators – are fighting back in the face of this uncertainty! Let’s look at what would happen if all the schools disappeared.
Your school’s facilities were destroyed.
These are the things your school will look like when it is gone: burned-out ruins, empty classrooms, classrooms that are almost nothing. You will be lucky if your building remains standing. If you manage to get it back on its feet, the smell and the noises it will make will be indescribable.

The buildings would be in worse shape.
If a school is closed, the buildings are still required to be maintained. This means that the students, teachers, and staff stay in Worse-Off-If-Close conditions. As time passes, the condition of the buildings gets worse. The hallways get muddy, the playgrounds are in disrepair, and the gymnasium walls start to come loose.
The sound of water and children playing are the only things that keep wood floors from getting mouldy. The concrete floors can rot after the third or fourth degree of dampness. This condition is worse than the standing water in a lake, where the water level is higher. If the school were to rot, this would be the worst thing for your child. There are no guarantees that this won’t happen, but it is doubtful.
The community will fall behind.
The people who will remain are the ones you knew, the people you trusted, the people you respected. You will become an unknown, a figure of wonder, a rare breed in this country. Your friends will be strangers to you, and you will no longer know them by name. You will become a figure of dust and ash, a shadow of the person you knew.
You will be the hermit heiress of your town, a forgotten and neglected part of it. Your community will fade away, and you will become nothing, a shadow of the person you loved, your school, and your town.
Students would learn at home.
Kids would learn at home again. The old, integrated school system wouldn’t exist, and there would be no playground, soccer field, or basketball court. Instead, every kid would walk to school with their parents, and the parents would drive their kids to the school. After school, parents would pick up their kids from the school and take them to the doctor or the grocery store.
No more endless pick-up or drop-off times. No more homework. No more running away from home – all the school obligations would fall away, and kids would have time to spend with their friends. So much time that they would be ready and willing to take on the world.
More money spent on books
Books would be more expensive and more in demand, as they would be in a world where there are no longer any more jobs outside of academia. A new kind of book – called an e-book – would suddenly become available, and on that day, every last classmate, parent, and child would be reading the same story. That drop-off can be seen in both the amount of reading time and the number of books needed to cover a subject.

Teachers become more engaged with students.
Most states would see an increase in the amount of time spent teaching and a reduction in the amount spent on research, book reviews, and writing pieces. At the same time, the number of hours spent doing research would increase, which is another way researchers can help improve the education of every single child in the classroom. When it comes to teaching, in some states, the number of credits required to take the course will increase, while in others, it would decrease.
Another way that research can help improve education is by finding ways to make learning more challenging for students. For example, in California, where reading and writing are Chapelillferred to as “the new sport,” students will also be punished for struggles that seem too complicated for regular students to overcome.
The physical environment changes
When a school goes down, it means there are not just fewer jobs but fewer opportunities. This translates into a loss in job opportunities for the entire local area. The poor economy has made this possible because fewer jobs are available in areas with low unemployment. The physical environment also changes, with the wind and watery environment of an area opening up new employment opportunities. With each year that passes, the physical environment gets more complex for the Matsusadenos to navigate.
Some educators will be out of a job.
It’s easy to draw attention to the lifelong impacts of gridlock, but there’s much more to it than that. Some of the most iconic teachers will be lost to history or forever be remembered as the “bad teachers.” Others may teach at other schools or become great mentors to their students. Most importantly, their works will be remembered forever. Some of these fantastic people left behind would never be seen or heard again if they weren’t out of a job.

Others will go on strike.
A strike is when school employees representing a specific group of students walk out on their employer’s orders. It isn’t a good idea to have a strike on your home turf because it could lead to other schoolgirls walking out and then people getting hurt. A strike is different from a walkout in that a strike is immediate. A walkout is planned and has a goal. A strike is not.
Children Will Be Trimmed
Kids between the 5-11 will still be cut from the same fabric as their parents. This means they will not be able to choose which classes they want to take. Instead, they will have to pick between classes of their choosing, with half of that group being taken by the same instructor for the rest of the year.

Schools would continue to struggle financially.
A similar dilemma applies to public education. How will your school financially support the programs and services that make up your school? What about health care, child development, child care, transportation, and other programs that would otherwise help your students? Will those programs remain in place? Will your budget be adequate? These things are complicated, and it can be hard to know what to do. But there are a few things you can do.
First, concentrate on what is immediately below your budget. In other words, don’t stress about the cost of things like desks, chairs, and tablecloths. Focus on what you can spare. Secondly, avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Control your spending, but let the rest flow freely. That includes things like child care, health care, and transportation. These could easily fall into two categories: emergency and emergency only, or not at all.
After-school programs and sports would all be gone.
After-school programs would be gone. Those were the days of yesteryear. Yes, there would soon be no such thing as after-school programming, but there would still be After One, after-school activities, and after-school classes. These would all be replaced with after-school clubs, sports, and programs. There would also be a growing trend of after-school clubs offering extracurricular activities (like dancing, acting, and performing arts). These would be replaced by clubs for young people of all ages and backgrounds, who would still be able to join together for social events.
The playground would become infertile ground.
Most of the playground would remain, but there would be a shift to more soft play, less interaction and more meditating. Some of it would also be turned into a park, where children could play and experience more peace and calmness. The playground would remain an essential part of the child’s environment, but there would be a shift toward more peaceful play and less interaction.
Student-run organizations and clubs would no longer exist.
You’d still have your traditional student organizations, like the Delta Sigma Theta Fraternity and the Delta Sigma Theta sorority. But the kids’ club scene would decline, and there would be a decline in a student organization activity. There would be no more inter-club debates and other inter-gifted activities.
There is no telling how long a school might be closed. The fact that it would take so long to happen means many people could be left behind. Like former students and employees, some of them may get the opportunity to start over. Others may never see their school open again. If you think you’re in a position to help, consider speaking with a few of the survivors – some of whom have already started their research!
Last Updated on October 16, 2023 by ayeshayusuf