Politics is always in a state of change. It becomes abundantly clear when you think about politics and how it will change in the future. The same is that the future of politics will look increasingly different from the present across parties and in different countries.
These are two different views of politics because, at this point in history, there are so many differences between how politics is now and how it will look in the future. Today, politics is a dirty game. It would be best if you were on the right team to get ahead at this point in history. If you are not on the right team, you are in for a rough time. Here is why politics looks the way it does now and how that could change in the future.
Politics Is a Dirty Game
Today, politics is a dirty game. It is a dangerous game, where people break laws and are rewarded for it, while those who are innocent are punished for it. Corruption exists in all circles of politics, and it is so deeply entrenched that it has become routine.
In the future, it seems, politics will look differently. It will look more competent, even more so because of technology. It will be a game without borders, constraints, and limits. We will play out the future of politics in a more innovative, more open way and in a way that doesn’t require breaking laws. We will play it out in a way that can be scrutinized and judged by the public while remaining accessible and fair.
Technology Will Make Politics Smarter, Not Dirtier
The Internet has already had a significant impact on politics. It made it easier to access information, and this had a significant impact on how people make up their minds. While the world has always been full of people who make up their minds without much due diligence, the Internet has reduced this factor, and now more people can make better decisions.
It seems the Internet will make politics even more intelligent in the future. It will enable politicians to understand their voters better, allow them to know what people want from their governments, and enable them to cater to this better than they can now.

Colin Lloyd/ Unsplash
The Internet Will Reduce Political Trolling
Today, political trolling is a big problem. It exists in most countries, especially where people are still very emotional about their politics. In elections, people use trolling to vent their frustrations and anger, which is a big turn-off for many voters.
It seems that political trolling will get a lot less attention. People are already starting to switch off in a big way because of the saturation of information that is possible today, so there is a lot less trolling, less attention, and less punishment for trolls.
More Transparency in Politics
Today, politics is full of secrets. Politicians keep secrets to do what they want, and the public is left out of the loop. It makes it difficult for the public to judge them and tell the difference between good and bad politicians.
In the future, it seems, politics will be more transparent. It will happen because of the Internet, which enables people to scrutinize the actions of politicians on a large scale and thus allows them to judge them better. It will also happen because of the reduction in political trolling, as people will be less interested in criticizing and more interested in scrutinizing.
Non-Profits Will Emerge to Take Politics Out of the Rift
Today, the rift between politics and the public is profound. Politicians, elected by the public, often seem to have little regard for the public they are supposed to serve. It is because, like all elected officials, they are removed from the public. They don’t have to answer to the public; they only have to answer to their political party or ideology.
In the future, it seems, politics will look more like non-profits. It is because politics will become more transparent, it will be less troll-able, and it will have less punishment for being wrong. It means that fewer people will be interested in turning the other way and not voting. It means that politics will be more like non-profits, and it will draw people to them because they will look better than they do now.
The Internet Will Continue to Play an Important Role
The internet is an incredible resource to help anyone learn more about politics, and it is easy to see how it can make the political process more accessible. One of the most apparent changes from the internet is democratizing political engagement. Today, we can get news, find political candidates, and mobilize on a scale that wasn’t possible just a few decades ago.
Politicians can use social media to spread misinformation, and they can use digital platforms to harass and intimidate political opponents. In a digital world where we often see fake news stories go viral, it is more important than ever to stay informed and make sure to spot misinformation. All of this, of course, comes with some challenges.

Citizen Engagement Will Continue To Grow
The way citizens engage with politics has changed dramatically over the past few decades. In the 1950s, many citizens never voted, and those who did generally did so for one reason – the threat of violence. People’s greatest fear was that their lives would be taken by criminals who operated without legal consequences.
Governments took an “us-against-them” approach to politics to combat this fear. Governments framed their message to the public as choosing between “good” and “evil.” The “good” party won most of the time, and the public was satisfied. We are now in a different era where citizens are more engaged.
Pro-Civic Behavior Will Become A Cultural Norm
The internet has played a massive role in the growth of pro-civic behavior. We have seen more people become engaged in civic issues over the past few decades, which has had a wide-ranging impact on the way governments interact with their citizens.
Citizen engagement has led to several improvements in the political sphere. We have seen a growth in elections with more citizens voting, more governments being held accountable, and governments implementing new policies due to feedback and criticism. It is not to say that there are no challenges with this – we still have a long way to go before the political sphere is truly a pro-civic one.
Personal Data Will Impact Politics
One of the most noticeable changes that the internet has contributed to politics is the increase in the use of data. Data, of course, has a wide range of uses, but it is often used in politics to target voters with specific messages and causes.
The use of data in politics is often done without the user realizing it, and it can significantly impact decision-making. Data is often gathered through digital platforms, such as social media. It can also be gathered from government records, such as information about your income, health, employment, etc.
Artificial Intelligence Will Change Politics Dramatically
Artificial intelligence will likely have the most significant impact on how politics is done in the coming years. AI has been around for decades, but we have only recently seen it applied to politics. They can use it to help identify voters’ priorities and interests, gather information on a massive scale and help identify potential problems in policy.
They can use AI to identify potential issues with the legislation, help identify issues with government programs, etc. AI can make considerable changes to how governments operate and interact with their citizens.

Citizens Will Be the Key Driver
One of the most significant changes that we can expect in the coming years is a shift in how governments interact with citizens. Nowadays, governments are expected to serve the public and answer their needs – the public has become the “driver” of politics. Governments used to set the agenda and determine the direction of society, but now the public is the one who sets the agenda for politics and determines its course.
This shift is essential for a variety of reasons. First, it gives governments more room to make mistakes. Mistakes will happen, and they will make bad decisions. However, instead of this being seen as a reflection on the individuals who make up the government, it will be seen as a failure of politics.
Old Political Party Models Will Continue to Be Used
There is a lot of buzz around a post-party era in politics. In the past few decades, we have seen how citizen engagement has led to the decline of major political parties. It has been suggested that we could see a decline in political parties altogether.
However, the use of AI and data in politics has brought us back to the idea of political parties. These parties are often seen as outdated, but they are still used because they are an excellent way to identify potential problems and issues in society. While they are unlikely to be the main political parties in the future, they will likely play an important role.
Citizens Will Get Empowered
One of the most significant changes to come from adopting AI and data in politics is the empowerment of citizens. Citizens used to be primarily left out of the political process, but now some tools allow anyone to participate and have a voice.
First, AI and data can help identify issues and potential problems in society. It allows citizens to shape the direction of their society and have their voices heard. Another way to get involved is to become a government official.
Citizens can now run for office and make decisions that have a real impact. It could not have been possible just a few decades ago.

Political Campaigns Will Be Embraced by Both Parties
The future of politics will feature many changes, but one thing that will remain the same is how campaigns are run. Both the Democratic and Republican parties will continue to use the same methods for running campaigns. They will also continue to run campaigns focused on maximizing the amount of data on individual voters.
Another thing that will remain the same is how campaigns are funded. Citizens may choose to fund campaigns with several options, such as donations and crowdfunding. It will continue to be an important way for candidates to raise money.
Globalization Will Have An Effect
As the internet becomes more prominent in people’s lives, global connectivity will too. It will help increase global engagement and increase the importance of cross-border issues and campaigns. Citizens will have more opportunities to engage with candidates, learn more about issues, and influence the political process outside of their home country.
Citizens will also have more opportunities to engage with members of parliament, both online and in-person, leading to increased contributions from all countries in the world.
Bottom Line
Politics will look very different from the state it is currently in. Hopefully, this will only serve to benefit all citizens.
Last Updated on August 28, 2023 by ayeshayusuf