When a society comes crumbling down, the first things we think about are our food, water, and shelter. What about pens? This article will teach you what if pens disappear in a post-apocalyptic world. And the answer is – it’s not good news! Keep reading to find out more, but be warned – this article is not for the faint-hearted!
It contains some gruesome details of post-apocalyptic life and the dangers of a world without pens. So, what if pens disappear in a post-apocalyptic world? Let’s find out!
Penless Society: A Dark Future
In a post-apocalyptic world, the loss of pens would likely be the least of our concerns. If society suddenly lost the ability to make and use pens, the situation would be dire. The first thing to disappear would be the printing and publishing industries.
There would be no way to produce books, newspapers, magazines, or even toilet paper! Postage stamps and related industries would disappear, including the postal service. Schools would close, and the education system would cease to exist.
Without the ability to write down information, no one would be able to learn anything new. All existing textbooks would disappear as well, depriving the few remaining people of valuable knowledge. It would hit the office work industry hard as well. No one could write down information or make copies of documents, which would make much of the work currently done by computers impossible.
No More Books or Documents
And it would go far beyond mere printing. No one would be able to write anything down. All pencils would vanish, as would all forms of graphite. Pens would disappear as well, along with their supplies. And it would not just be an issue for individuals. The government would also have to cease activities.
Tax returns, government contracts, and all other documents would vanish, along with the ability to write them. Without the ability to write documents, no new laws would be possible. All existing laws would remain in place, but no new ones would be able to be written. No new treaties would be able to be written, and all treaties currently in place would vanish.

Trey Gibson / Unsplash
Penless Culture Means No Record of History
Education would cease to exist entirely. While some knowledge would remain from books published before civilization’s collapse, all new books would vanish. No one could record history, meaning there would be no record of past events. The only written records to survive would likely be religious texts, such as the Bible, the Quran, and other holy books. For example, we would have no record of the current wars and political movements.
No one would be able to write about the American Revolution, the Second World War, or any other important events that have occurred in the past. All historical records of diseases would vanish, meaning there would be no way to prevent epidemics or treat new outbreaks. The same would be true for discoveries in the sciences and engineering. No one could write down new information in these areas, so all of it would vanish.
No More Newspapers or Magazines
Newspapers and magazines would cease to be published, and all existing publications would vanish. All newspapers, magazines, and books would become rare collectibles, and knowledge of current events would be non-existent. There would be no way to advertise new products or businesses, no way to promote a product or service, and no way to deliver coupons. Businesses could only survive with whatever inventories they had on hand when society collapsed.
All radio stations would vanish, and there would be no way to listen to music. There would be no way to communicate at all other than face-to-face; no one would be able to send text messages or emails or send anything through the postal service. Without the ability to communicate and organize, any society would be impossible.
Even Pen Games Are Gone
All board games, card games, and other games that require writing would vanish. There would be no way to play games like Scrabble, Crossword puzzles, and many others. There would also be no way to play pen and paper role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons. All lotteries and other gambling activities would cease to exist, along with the way to record the results.
There would be no way to record sports scores, no way to keep track of the weather, and no way to track time. There would be no way to keep track of finances, no way to keep a calendar, and no way to track information about stocks and other investments. These activities would become impromptu and depend entirely on the people’s memories.
Even Pen Games are Gone
All art that is created on paper would vanish. Paintings, drawings, and sculptures would all be destroyed, along with the ability to create new paintings, drawings, and sculptures. There would be no way to keep track of knowledge in the sciences, mathematics, or engineering.
Knowledge would vanish completely, along with the ability to create new knowledge. There would be no way to create new medicines, no way to keep track of weather patterns, and no way to predict future disasters. There would be no way to create new engineering projects, such as new types of bridges, buildings, and transportation systems.
Penless Food is a Rarity
Food would be the one area where there would still be some use for writing, but the danger would be serious. Since most of the food would be perishable, it would be impossible to write the exact details of the ingredients or cooking instructions. There would be no way to create new medicinal drugs and treatments.
And since all records would vanish, there would be no way to rediscover any lost knowledge. There would be no way to keep track of scientific experiments, no way to record new information in the sciences, and no way to create new engineering designs. All of this knowledge would vanish completely.

Daniel Álvasd / Unsplash
Pen Alternatives
The one area where there would be some use for writing would be agriculture. Farmers would be able to write down details about their crops’ planting, growing, harvesting, and storing, but there would be no way to create new types of plants. There would be no way to create new types of animals, no way to breed new types of livestock, and no way to create new types of insects and other pests.
All scientific discoveries would vanish, and there would be no way to create new types of medicines and treatments. There would be no way to create new types of technology or improve on what currently exists.
Pen Protection and Storage Strategies
Since books would be the only items that would still have some use for writing, they would become extremely valuable. People would likely start keeping books and try to write down information from the books on other materials. There might be an initial period where people hoard paper, but soon they would run out.
The only way to create more paper is by using pens and harvesting the trees that produce wood pulp. People would attempt to preserve paper by storing it in very low humidity conditions, but this would not be a permanent solution. At some point, the paper would need to be re-hunted and would need to be re-grown as trees.
Pen Apocalypse: What Happens to Write?
With no ability to create new paper or new books, society would revert to an oral culture. It means that people would only be able to communicate by speaking or by memorizing the words of others. There would be no way to write important information or record future knowledge. There would be no way to pass down information from one generation to the next, and all the knowledge of humanity would vanish completely.
How Will Pens Disappear?
The way that pens disappear varies depending on the technology. Some pens are disappearing because of changes in behavior and tastes, while others are fading away thanks to the rise of new and better technologies. Pens that rely on liquid-based inks are slowly disappearing. It includes fountain pens and roller ball pens, although ballpoint pens are not yet endangered.
Liquid-based pens use water and pigments, which can be difficult and expensive to produce. The process of making these inks is both messy and expensive. Pens that use resin-based inks have a brighter future, although many are based on digital technology. A pen that uses digital ink is powered by electricity and creates a static image on paper. These pens can create a wide range of images and are often used for journaling.

Art Lasovsky / Unsplash
Will Electronic Writing Instruments Replace Pens?
For many decades, pundits have claimed that the typewriter will replace the pen, the typesetter, and the computer. Each of these technologies has created a new way to write and share information, but they have also created new reasons to write and share information. The computer has made it easier to write, but it has also made it easier to edit and improve our writing.
The ability to “cut and paste” text has made it possible to rework our writing until it is as good as we can, whereas a pen forces us to get it right the first time. The computer has also made it possible to produce work beyond our abilities. A person with minimal writing skills can produce a document that would have been impossible to create on a typewriter, even with a word processor.
Will smart pens replace physical writing instruments? Yes. As we move towards a future where pens are connected to the internet and can take dictation, many people will rely on smart pens rather than physical pens or a keyboard and mouse. The choice between a traditional pen and a smart pen depends on a person’s writing skills, work type, and preferred writing style.
Physical pens, particularly fountain pens, are often used by people who want to slow down their writing and focus on the act of writing itself. Smart pens are often used by people who are in a rush and want to write quickly without focusing on using a pen. Some people enjoy using both types of pens and switch between them depending on their situation.
Will 3D Printing Completely Change the Pen Industry?
3D printing is a technology that has been around since the 1980s and is frequently associated with creating new products in many different industries. Some printers are large and expensive, while others are small enough to fit on a desk. In the future, 3D printers can create almost anything, including pens. At the moment, 3D printers create objects out of plastic or other materials that can be melted down and remade into new shapes.
As technology advances, 3D printers can create many different products, including pens. Some companies are already 3D printing pens, although these pens are often designed for collectors.
Will 3D-Printed Pens Become Popular?
Yes, although they will probably only be used in certain situations and might not be used regularly by everyone. Some people may use 3D-printed pens as an alternative to regular pens daily, but others may use them only sporadically. 3D-printed pens are often used as novelty items and gifts. They may also be used when someone needs a pen but has forgotten to bring one.
The decision to use a 3D-printed pen instead of a regular pen depends on the person and their preferences. However, some 3D-printed pens have found a niche as promotional items, particularly in businesses that focus on technology. We can use these pens for advertising a company or promoting a product.

Aaron Burden / Unsplash
The (Very) Short-Term Consequences of Pen Disappearance
The short-term consequences of pen disappearance are that people will need to find new ways to do things they currently do with pens. For example, people who make notes on paper may need to use a different writing implement. A person who likes to use a fountain pen might need to switch to a roller ball or ballpoint pen. People who use pens to sign documents may need to find a new method.
Some people may decide to make their notes digital, meaning they will also need to find a new writing implement. It could mean switching to a pencil or using a digital signature pad. A person who uses a fountain pen may decide to use a digital stylus instead.
Longer-Term Consequences of Pen Disappearance
The long-term consequences of pen disappearance are that they will become an even rarer and more valuable commodity. If a particular pen-type becomes rare or is no longer manufactured, it will become a prized possession. Fewer people will write by hand, so they must rely on pens.
Pens designed for special occasions, such as weddings, events, or graduation ceremonies, may become even more expensive and rare. Some people may attempt to hoard pens to make a profit. Since people will have fewer pens, they will have to be more careful with them. It could create a new market for protective cases and other items that help people keep their pens in good condition.
Society Would Change
As we’ve seen, the disappearance of pens would change society in significant ways. For example, the disappearance of pens would make it much more difficult for people to forge artistic and architectural masterpieces.
It would likely discourage people from attempting this sort of thing. It would change the way society views art and architecture. We would no longer be able to consider it a crime against humanity to forge famous architectural and artistic works.
Why This Matters For You
You’ll have to adapt to a world where you have less control over your writing and environment. For example, if you want to write something on a wall, you won’t be able to use a pen. Instead, you’ll have to use paint or some other substance. If pens disappear, your life will change.
And if you want to write something on a non-porous surface, you’ll have to use a special disappearing ink. It will make it much more difficult to take notes during lectures or meetings. You’ll also have less control over your environment. You’ll be at the mercy of others regarding what you can write on any given surface.
I think this article has proved that a penless existence is quite a horrifying thing! So remember: treasure your pens while they exist.
Last Updated on August 28, 2023 by ayeshayusuf