If we ever talk about the longest-living civilization. The name of Indian civilization will come inevitably. Because why not? The Harappan civilization/ Indus Valley civilization dates back to 3000 BCE.
However, today the Indus Valley Civilization is now divided between two countries. Most of it is located in modern-day Pakistan, with slight remains in India. Nevertheless, the Indus Valley Civilization is a distant ancestor of India.

If we go more in history, we will know how advanced and flourished the civilization was. Unlike today, the Indus Valley Civilization was one of the world’s richest and most culturally advanced civilizations. However, India is now the complete opposite of its ancestors.
Perhaps the paths that the country has taken built it into what it is now, a developing nation. It is possible to go on and on blaming our helplessness, the lack of unity, and any other possible reason for the current situation.
However, wise people know that blaming is for fools. For the change taking action is required.
India as of Now
With over 1.3 billion people, India is the second-most populous country and the seventh-largest country by land area. It is a federal parliamentary democratic republic with a mixed economy, a growing service sector, and a significant manufacturing industry. It is also a major exporter of agricultural products, including rice and cotton.

The current state is much influenced by the steps it has taken in its past, which is intriguing. Therefore to predict the future of India, we have to look at the present.
If we note the current development, the prediction of the future will be child play. The current steps, the vision of its leader, and views of the world on the country of it will solidify and form the country’s future.
Therefore, to take a peek at India in 2080, we first have to understand the visions and steps and the fashions of India about itself and this fashions about our execution and world about India.
How does India See Itself in 2080?
How we will be in the future depends on how we see ourselves; it might appear a cliche self-improvement quote, but it is a reality. To be more precise in this context, how India will look in 2080 depends on the visions of the nation.
Leaders’ Visions
To understand the nation’s vision, we have to understand the leaders’ visions towards the nation and how these leaders execute the steps for their visions.
In India’s case, we will look at the vision of the most renowned person in the nation, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
Kalam’s vision for India centred on transforming the country into a developed and prosperous nation. He believed that India had the potential to become a global leader in science and technology and that the country’s youth had a crucial role to play in realizing this vision.
To achieve this vision, Kalam emphasized the importance of education and research and encouraged young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. He also encouraged the development of new technologies and innovations that could help drive economic growth and social progress in India.
Apart from him, the current leadership of India has a Similar yet different vision for India.
Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India, has articulated a vision for India that is centred on the idea of “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas” (meaning “together with all, development for all” in Hindi). This vision seeks to ensure that all segments of society share the benefits of economic development and progress and that no one is left behind.
He emphasized the importance of self-reliance and national development, building strong infrastructure, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, and strengthening the country’s manufacturing and export sectors. He has prioritized initiatives to improve all citizens’ access to education, healthcare, and other basic services. He has emphasized preserving the country’s cultural and social diversity.
His vision for India is inclusive growth and development, and he has stressed the importance of working together to build a strong, prosperous, and self-reliant nation.
Taking all of it into account, we can conclude that the future of India will be greatly influenced by the concept of self-reliance & science, along with innovation, will take the lead in the future. The institution revolved around research and analysis; the spending on research and analysis will be common in the future.
Because of the vision of inclusive growth and development, education and healthcare will be given priority to cover the mass.
Future of India: World’s View
Judging how the country will perform in the future based solely on the visions of the country and indigenous institutions is somewhat biased as no one nation is pessimistic, even if they are optimistic like hell. Therefore, we must consider the progress acknowledged by foreign nations and international institutions to predict the nation’s progress.

We must consider the remarks of foreign entities, foreign organizations, and individuals. Individuals who are influential and revolutionary in various fields, such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Jack Ma, have expressed their views on the future of India. The same goes with this nation where we must take them; we must take relation.
- Bill Gates: Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, has praised India’s progress in reducing poverty and improving healthcare and education.
- Warren Buffet: Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, has praised India’s long-term economic potential and has invested in several Indian companies. He has argued that the country’s young and growing population gives it a competitive advantage in the global economy.
- Jack Ma: Ma, co-founder of Alibaba and a prominent Chinese entrepreneur, has argued that India’s large and growing middle class presents a significant business opportunity.
- Obama: Obama, the former President of the United States, has praised India’s progress in reducing poverty and improving healthcare and education.
In all cases, prominent politicians, entrepreneurs, and investors have praised India’s efforts & achievements to reduce poverty and income inequality. In addition to it, they are confident about the potential of its growth. It is showcased when these individuals have invested in India.
Moreover, it is not only one individual who praises the nation, but organizations are included in the list too. Renowned organizations worldwide have also predicted the same for India, whether it is Morgan Stanley or McKinsey and company.
The same fact is the various reports published in recent years by those institutions. The report called Future of India, the winning leap predicted the future of India until 2050, based on various records and developments occurring now. Pricewaterhouse Coopers International Limited published the report. The report summarizes how India will grow in various sectors: manufacturing, agriculture or services, digitalization, and entrepreneurship.
Steps to Fulfil its Dream of Future
The visions and reports mentioned earlier were all pieces of paper and imagination without concrete steps on the ground. Although the reports were entirely based on projects, India is currently working on.
Moreover, what a country will achieve, and what it will become in the future solely relies on and depends on development, its execution, and its efficiency.
Currently, India is facing multi-dimensional issues and solving them. We need solutions with multi-dimensional impact, and it is not an overstatement to say that development programs on which India is acting consistently are meeting the criteria.
Whether digital or transportation connectivity, economic inequality, enhanced business opportunities, or even space dominations and exploration. India is taking tangible steps to boost all of these sectors. The video below concisely explains all of it.
In the revolutionary field of space, the Indian Space Agency ISRO is actively planning various missions to prove its supremacy, e.g. ISRO is planning to launch a mission for data collection from the sun’s surface. Only limited countries can only plan on such projects, and being in one of them showcases the dawn of new India.

Furthermore, to reduce the logistics cost while preserving safety measures, projects such as Sagarmala are implemented, where the alternative to resource usage is seen. As in Sagarmala waterways, transportation will be developed instead of constructing more highways, reducing the toll on the roads and roadways. This demonstrates both efficiency and the diversified resources used, which will help India in the long run.
The development of the 5Gi network by the IITs of the country. Approved by International standards, it is ready to transmit. Despite being operated in the same on the same spectrum as 5G, it is slightly different from the 5G at it is cost-efficient because it will. It can cover more range and lower frequency. This will not only help the government with digital connectivity to the parts of the country where the population is marginally scarce and overall business is nonprofitable.
Numerous projects are going on daily throughout the mentioned projects that will change the country by 180°. All the steps mentioned here can transform India in the long term. The investment of the country will pay them in the long run.
Moreover, the reason that we can certainly predict how the future of India is going to be is because of all the small steps, small investments, and sacrifices.
Future of India
No matter what we do, the resolution of one can’t predict the fate of another; the same goes for the world. The world itself is unpredictable (COVID-19 might be the best example), and when the world is connected, the future world’s state should be considered for even one country.
Difference in Situations
Unlike today, where oil is life supports every single country because of being the only source of energy available widely. But the future world is not going to rely solely on crude oil. The reason would be shifting energy sources to renewable sources (further catalyzed by climate change).
This development alone will change India’s chemistry to the rest of the world by 180 degrees because, in that scenario, India is not going to rely on other nations for its energy demands following to it is not going to spend most of its money on energy demands.
Here’s another thing the world order alone will not change; the change will be inevitable for every country and every single interest and position a country has now.
Position of India in 2080
The position of India in the future world will be drastically deferred from the current. Currently, India has an overall trade deficit with the world, however, in the future, we can assume that will not be the case, or at least it will narrow down.
The reason for it would be the flourishing space industry, manufacturing industry, improved logistics, and infrastructure. But that alone isn’t the answer to every question because, even though North Korea has elegant buildings in its capital, they don’t have a healthy and satisfied population, which is important in a country.
For every individual, what matters the most is education, healthcare, inflation, and employment.
While the latter two depend upon the period (because of the complex, complex economics and ever-changing economic factors). The first two will be availed to the majority in the future. While it is noteworthy to see how much education and health care will be divided by public or private entities. As of now, both sectors have the participation of public and private sectors; however, over the years, it became an unwritten rule that the private sector delivers quality, but the big money they charged labelled them as anti-poor; it would be interesting to see how things would turn out in future.
Currently, even bigger can predict that the role of AI and automation will increase. Because of AI and automation, the overall cost of employing labour will appear to be a bad deal in the long term, and because of it, we will see a reduction of employment in the unskilled labour workforce. However, the skilled workforce demand will increase to manage automation.
In the future, the majority of butter lies in the service sector. However, it will not employ most of the workforce. A good chunk of the workforce and an entire nation will still rely upon agriculture and manufacturing.
Moreover, the methods of production will be new in both sectors. The agriculture sector will include the usage of robots and artificial weather conditions for better yield or counter-use of artificial weather as protection for crops. While in the manufacturing sector, most of the production will be done with machines. The labour force workforce is divided either into managing the workforce or maintaining the workforce.

Well, both of them require practical skills for the job. Therefore, it is safe to say that demand for skilled labour will increase in future India; however, whether Indians will satisfy that labour demand increase or will outsource the labour from other countries (like the US is doing now) will be a wild card to predict whose answer remains to be in future.
Furthermore, if everything goes according to plan, India will become a carbon net neutral carbon country by 2070. For that, most energy supply is well done from clean fuels (renewable sources, nuclear energy). In addition to it, the utilization of oil will also be done sustainably to conserve the environment and coexistence with nature.
In the end, India is a vast country with huge potential for its future. It will be glorious if taken right steps are made and disastrous for any mismanagement. However, for now, the path the country is following is to a prosperous future where society will not be a utopia but much better than now.
Last Updated on August 26, 2023 by ayeshayusuf